Happy Census Day!

Submitted by 91ÖÆƬ³§Pro Library on


No joke--it's the official Census Day!

Census 2020: Make NC Count. Census Day, April 1, 2020. Your responses matter. It only takes 10 minutes & is easy. Your responses help direct funding for community services. Our community is counting on you, so help us make everyone count.

What does that mean? Where you live or stay most of the time as of today is what your Census documentation should show.

5 Ws and a H: Census FAQ 

  • WHAT? Every 10 years the US Census counts each person in the US. NC loses $16,000 for each person not counted. 
  • WHY? Census data is used by the state, county, and city to plan for and fund everything from Head Start to high schools and healthcare to highways. 
  • WHO: One person should count every member of their household and submit the information. ALL people living in the US, regardless of citizenship status or age, should be counted! 
  • HOW? You can respond online, by phone, or by mail. If you do not respond, local census staff will go door-to-door to make sure your household is counted. 
  • WHERE? Visit  or call 1-844-330-2020.  

A quick note to and for COLLEGE STUDENTS:  Are you home temporarily because of dorm closure? Chances are your school will be counting you (check with your university). If you live off-campus, you will need to take the census as a part of your household! 

Your household has likely already received the information about how to fill out the Census twice-- an official notice and a reminder notice.

What happens next? 

  • April 1: Census Day (for reference only) 
  • April 8 – 16: Reminder [Again] and Census By-Mail Form Mailed 
  • May 28-Aug 14: Non-response Follow up (which has been extended due to COVID-19)  

Have you been counted? If not, what are you waiting for? (Seriously, if you have questions, let us know at library@durhamtech.edu). 
