Read a Pie, Bake a Pie, Eat a Pie

Submitted by 91ÖÆƬ³§Pro Library on


There should be another word for cookbooks that are only recipes for baked desserts. Bakebooks? Dessertbooks? Bakertbooks? We can workshop it later.

Regardless of what they are called, the library has them! I used one to make a pie on Memorial Day and it did not disappoint. The recipe came from Pie Every Day: Recipes and Slices of Life by Pat Willard. Click through to the rest of the post to see how my pie turned out!

Pie: not just for March 14th.

Now don't worry. If you aren't a "pie person" you'll still find plenty of amazing recipes in these bakebooks. (Everyone start using this word, it'll catch on.)

The pie I made was the Berry-Cheese Pie from Pie Every Day. It's in a section full of quick pie recipes for when you need to throw together a pie last minute.

Bubbling berries in a saucepan.
Berries, water, and cornstarch to make the topping.

Like if a friend comes over and wants pie. Or, you go to a friend's house and need to bring a dessert but don't really think about it until a couple hours before you leave. Or, if you have an empty windowsill that you need to spruce up before your family visits.

Berry topping spooned onto the cheesecake like pie filling.
Spoon the topping on the cheesecake-like pie filling.

Or, if you get an intense pie craving and need to eat one ASAP. Whatever your reason, this book has your back. 

Ta Da! The finished pie in front of the recipe.
Use a prepared crust for fastest results!

How was it, you ask? Great question!

Totally yummy! Simple, easy, and satisfying."



Not too sweet and very tasty. A pie for all times of day: breakfast, lunch or dinner. :)

Meredith Lewis

There you have it, folks! Now, check out one of these bakebooks and bake!
