What We're Reading: Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson

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Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson

Being in your late 20s and not knowing what you want to do is hard, so of course when your friend from your brief foray into boarding school asks you to come take care of her step-children who catch fire when upset or scared, you say yes. Right? Sure. You weren't doing anything anyway. 

Title: Nothing to See Here

Author: Kevin Wilson

Genre: Realistic fantasy/magical realism, early adulting, contemporary literary fiction

#ReadGreatThings2020 Category: A book recommended by a celebrity book club (#ReadWithJenna)

This book was read by Meredith Lewis, the [mostly] Orange County Campus Librarian.

Why did you choose to read this book?

The premise seemed absolutely ridiculous, but in a fun way. 

What did you like about it?

I love magical realism, especially set firmly in the real world. It was a surprisingly kind book, too, which sometimes you just need. 

The characters are also really well-rounded and imperfect. This book could have been done so poorly, but it was great.

What feeling did the book leave you with?

This book had a very satisfying ending for me. I liked that [no spoilers] the characters who hadn't acted particularly well were called out and others stepped up. 

What would you pair this book with? 

A nice backyard swimming pool. And perhaps a flame-retardant blanket. 

Book friends (related reading recommendations):

Jess Kidd's Himself, Sourdough by Robin Sloan, and The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti (while all being some of my favorite books in general) have a touch of magic about them, though The Good Thief isn't magical realism in the same way (it feels more like a not-paid-by-the-word Dickensian fable). 
