Newton Makerspace

3D printers aligned in a row on a work benchThe Newton Makerspace is a collaborative workspace that provides students and faculty at 91ÖÆƬ³§Pro with access to specialized tools and equipment to turn their ideas into physical objects. Whether you're an experienced maker or just getting started, our space is open to all skill levels. 

Our mission is to foster creativity and provide an opportunity for growth and learning through a variety of technology and materials exploration. We believe that the Newton Makerspace showcases the training available at 91ÖÆƬ³§Pro and provides a safe environment for you to explore your interests and passions. 

We're proud to offer a range of equipment including 3D printers, laser engraver, sewing machines, hand tools, CNC routers, Arduinos, milling machine, track saw, drill press, bandsaws, and more. View the complete list of tools, training videos, and manuals. Makerspace staff are available to assist you with any questions you may have and to ensure that you have a safe and productive experience. 

four computers lined up side by side At the Newton Makerspace, we strive to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone. Our space is free for enrolled students and faculty, and we aim to make materials available for free whenever possible. While some materials are on hand, others may need to be purchased on your own. 

Be sure to check out the calendar of events and classes to stay up-to-date on everything that's happening at the Newton Makerspace. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please don't hesitate to contact us at or stop by our space in Newton (Building 4) on Main Campus, rooms 116/120. 

We look forward to seeing you at the Newton Makerspace at 91ÖÆƬ³§Pro!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Newton Makerspace? 

The Newton Makerspace is a collaborative workspace located in Building 4 at 91ÖÆƬ³§Pro's main campus. We provide tools, equipment, and resources for students and faculty to work on projects and create prototypes. Our makerspace has a focus on technology, engineering, and art.

Who can use the makerspace?

All currently enrolled students of 91ÖÆƬ³§Pro, faculty, and staff are welcome to use the space and tools after completing a brief orientation and safety quiz.

Is it free to use the makerspace?  

Yes! We believe that access to resources shouldn't be a barrier to creativity. It's free to use all of the tools and equipment in the makerspace. However, materials are limited and may need to be purchased on your own. Currently, students who are not currently taking classes at 91ÖÆƬ³§Pro are not allowed use of the space.

What materials would I need to pay for?

We have a limited amount of wood, metal, and electronics that are free to use. If we cannot source what you need, you may need to purchase them on your own. Our staff is always happy to help you find the materials you need.

What do I need to do in order to use the makerspace?  

It's simple! Just complete our short safety overview and schedule an orientation. Each time you visit the space, sign in using MS Bookings. Our staff is always available to help if you have any questions or concerns.

Do I need to schedule a time before using the makerspace?

No, but the Technology Lab in Newton 4-120 also serves as an event space, so you can check the schedule to verify its availability. Our staff is always happy to help you find a time to work on your project. 

What tools does the makerspace have?

So many! From 3D printers to laser engravers to sewing machines to a CNC router. View the complete list of tools, training videos, and manuals.

Can I bring my own tools?

In short, maybe. Reach out to us at to find out. Our staff will work with you to determine if your tools are safe to use in our space.

What types of projects are allowed in the makerspace?

Anything, as long as it isn't illegal, offensive, or violates the Student Code of Conduct policy. Our makerspace is a space for creativity and innovation, and we encourage our community to explore their passions. 

If I break something in the makerspace, will I have to pay for it?

No. We encourage learning and curiosity in this space, and sometimes breaking a tool is just part of the process. However, we do require all users to be trained on proper use and safety on each tool before use, and we are strict on enforcing the safety guidelines. 

Does the makerspace offer classes?

Yes. We offer occasional classes, speakers, and trainings, which will be posted on the event calendar and on the 91ÖÆƬ³§Pro website. Our staff is always happy to hear your ideas for new classes and events, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

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